FarmTree's Climate Tech SaaS Platform for Sustainable Land Management

Case Study

Welcome to our case study, where we share the exciting journey of transforming FarmTree's platform. They cam  to us with big challenges,  and we could not be more ready to help!

About FarmTree

FarmTree B.V. is a innovative company that has developed an online system targeted at guiding investment decisions in sustainable land management. Their platform is designed to provide quantitative information on various components of agroforestry systems, which includes perennials, annuals, agricultural inputs, and other crucial elements. This information is stored in their existing database called the Components of Agroforestry Systems (CAFS).


But even though its approach to the problem is innovative, FarmTree was confronted with a number of significant challenges that have stymied its growth and efficiency.


The Challenges

The FarmTree's system encountered several bottlenecks that hindered its accuracy and scalability. One of the main issues was the inconvenient data entry process. Experts were required to input and update data manually using CSV files, which was both time-consuming and error-prone. Moreover, the interface was not very user friendly, as a result experts had a hard time dealing with the management and curation of the database. Scalability was another significant issue, as the system couldn't grow easily due to the complexity of the calculations required for end-users. Lastly, the codebase had several technical limitations, such as poor error handling and maintainability problems, which collectively hindered further development.

Our Goals

To overcome these challenges, FarmTree outlined several primary objectives:

🍃 Move their data from Excel and CSV files to a managed database.

🍃 Create a future-proof business model to expand their global reach in local agriculture.

🍃 Improve the application's user experience (UX) for experts and farmers. 

🍃 Lift the app into a proper Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model to onboard more clients efficiently.

🍃 Long-term technical partner to provide ongoing guidance and expertise.

Our Approach

At Amsterdam Standard, we took on the challenge with a broad plan that covered areas including business consultation as well as technical expertise. Our expert, Leo, guided FarmTree with business strategies, ensuring their goals were aligned with the technical solutions we provided. Our senior developer led the technical efforts, focusing on key areas to enhance the platform.

Our strategy targeted crucial aspects, starting with the development of an updated front-end using React to improve user interaction, making the platform more intuitive and accessible. We chose .NET for the backend to bolster reliability and robustness. Agile methodologies guided our project management, utilizing 2-week sprints and consistent updates to maintain momentum.


A significant triumph was transitioning to a modern CAFS database, streamlining data management. Additionally, we developed a contemporary API and revamped the UI/UX with Figma, enhancing the platform’s intuitiveness and user engagement.

At Amsterdam Standard, we deliver scalable SaaS solutions for environmental SaaS platforms like FarmTree. By transforming their platform, we have helped them achieve greater efficiency and user satisfaction.


If you want to scale your climate tech SaaS platform and need a reliable partner, contact us. Our expertise in developing robust, user-friendly, and future-proof SaaS applications can help you realize your vision and achieve global reach.

Written by: -, on July 8, 2024